Intentional Influence
Thinking about my own life, I wonder if I’d be more effective if I was more intentional about what my influence will be. Would my relationships bring glory to God? Would I empower others to choose right over wrong? I hope so.
Thinking about my own life, I wonder if I’d be more effective if I was more intentional about what my influence will be. Would my relationships bring glory to God? Would I empower others to choose right over wrong? I hope so.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll applies practical lessons from Exodus 18 for anyone in a leadership capacity. With biblical wisdom, take stock of the essentials God has called you to and determine to delegate the rest!
Before our Saviour was born, God set the stage, so Christ could come in “the fullness of time.” So, we shouldn't be surprised that before the exodus from Egypt, God prepared Moses and the people for a life of worship.
Just like God strategically worked through His alone time with Moses, so He works today. Pastor Chuck Swindoll shares practical tips for meeting with God and discerning His will for your life!
Since organ donation was not done in Bible times, the Bible says nothing about it. So, we find some Christians in favour and some against it as they try to decide how to answer this question by applying biblical principles.
You can’t choose your family, but you can choose how you relate to them. It’s never too late to start extending grace.
Sports were my obsession. I immersed myself in statistics and scoreboards and would sooner worship at the shrine of sport than anyplace else.
For me the documentary was a sobering reminder that sometimes our best intentions and even the plain truth can’t convince people to change. All we can hope in is the transformative power of God.
Secularism is flawed with inconsistency because secularists want the fruits of Christianity but not Christianity. It values the fruit of our Christian roots, but by getting rid of the root, we will eventually lose the fruit. It’s just a matter of time.
Can we trace certain acts of iniquity back to our ancestors? The answer is “yes.” The sinful “bents” of our ancestors do not stop with their deaths. Wise are the parents who understand this, observe it in their children, and deal with it appropriately in order to bring an end to long-standing familial iniquity.