While the law was a covenantal gift to God’s people, it is not our covenant law as Christians. We live under the new covenant, so interpreting the old covenant law can be challenging at times.
While the law was a covenantal gift to God’s people, it is not our covenant law as Christians. We live under the new covenant, so interpreting the old covenant law can be challenging at times.
Exodus is an account of how God miraculously delivered His people and then began to train them to walk in faith through His provision of a set of written instructions (the Mosaic Law) and a place of meeting for worship (the tabernacle). Exodus begins with a groan and ends in glory.
Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll for a fascinating recap of Israel’s start in Egypt in Exodus 1, the people’s God-sized dilemma, and their need for a deliverer. The harsh climate nurtured a baby boy who would grow to become one of history’s greatest figures.
Travel back to ancient Egypt with Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he examines the details and context of Exodus 2:1–10. A life hung in the balance and a mother held her breath as an Egyptian princess discovered a baby in a basket.
From Exodus 3 and Acts 7, Pastor Chuck Swindoll examines Moses’ formative years. As an adult, Moses’ life took a sharp turn when he defended a Hebrew slave by taking a taskmaster’s life.
Drawing from Exodus 2, Pastor Chuck Swindoll explores the silver linings of failure, including a newly teachable spirit and a growing desire to live an obedient life.
From Exodus 2 and 3, Pastor Chuck Swindoll explains the backdrop of Moses’ encounter with God. Just when Moses became a nobody, God was readying him for greatness. God uses the desert experiences of our lives to teach us, to communicate with us, and to prepare us for His purposes.
I don’t know what God has in store for you, and you won’t either until you purposefully and intentionally respond to His call. As Pastor Chuck Swindoll says, “Been resisting God’s call on your life? Don’t be afraid to follow. He leads you in love.”
Moses, a leader and profit who was meek and dedicated to the Lord, teaches us through his life story that where you start is not where you end up, with God’s help, and failure is never final.
In this message, we’ll meet an obscure, 80-year-old shepherd whose failure broke his spirit and left him feeling “over the hill” and washed up. Little did he know—he was on the verge of something great.