Moses’ Faith, Moses’ Choices...and Me
Listen in as Pastor Chuck Swindoll outlines the discernment, determination, and discipline it takes to follow Christ. Living for God is always worth the cost!
Vision, integrity, articulation, courage, and a thick skin—all are the basic requirements for leadership. Other requirements could be added; for the follower of Christ, godliness is essential. Whether in government, business, education, ministry, or the home, these six traits form the foundation of successful Christian leadership. These qualities do not come through osmosis but through disciplined study and practice, often marked by failure. However, the greatest leaders are not deterred by hardship and failure. Theirs is a high calling with deep responsibility.
If you are in a position of leadership—and chances are good that you are—you may need to sharpen your vision for the future, strengthen your integrity, and find new sources of courage. Insight for Living, by introducing you to godly leaders of the past, is committed to encouraging you in this pursuit, as well as challenging you to grow in godliness.
Listen in as Pastor Chuck Swindoll outlines the discernment, determination, and discipline it takes to follow Christ. Living for God is always worth the cost!
Take a close look at yourself as an employee. Do you do your best at work, or are you a sluggard? Pursuing excellence is a rare commodity in the workplace, but as Christians it’s what we are called to do.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll points out that Moses is the only man in all the Bible of whom it’s said God buried. At 120 years old, what incredible wonders Moses had seen since his start as a helpless infant left afloat in a basket!
Pastor Chuck Swindoll teaches from the moving account in Numbers 27:12–23 as Moses passes the baton of leadership to Joshua. Just because a good leader died didn’t mean God’s plan was finished.
God was ready to lead the Israelites into “a land flowing with milk and honey.” Yet, most of the Hebrew spies were intimidated—and soon, most all of the people felt the same. Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he traces the roots and the effects of anger that lead to disobedience in our lives.
From Numbers 10–14, Pastor Chuck Swindoll examines Moses’ plight as leader of a difficult group. Not even Moses’ own siblings, Miriam and Aaron, were faithful supporters.
Just like God strategically worked through His alone time with Moses, so He works today. Pastor Chuck Swindoll shares practical tips for meeting with God and discerning His will for your life!
Pastor Chuck Swindoll applies practical lessons from Exodus 18 for anyone in a leadership capacity. With biblical wisdom, take stock of the essentials God has called you to and determine to delegate the rest!
“Encourage” means to put courage into. There are many ways to encourage those around you—a sincere word, a kind act, a show of compassion.
Exodus 16–17 records the story of an impatient people who longed for the familiarity of captivity. Pastor Chuck Swindoll explores the Israelites’ complaints in the wilderness. They couldn’t grasp God’s history of providing for them and lived solely by their feelings.