Our passion is to see lives changed and faith renewed through accurate, clear, and practical teaching of God’s Word.
In the last 30 years our nation has undergone a metamorphosis, where once biblical values were our moral compass now secularism and postmodernism shape Canadian society. As a result biblical illiteracy is rampant and the need for God’s Word is greater than ever before.
Tammy knows first-hand the value of understanding God’s Word, especially in hard times. She shared her family’s story with us in an email.
“We have been going through some very difficult times over the last seven years with parenting, finances, job loss, church change and return, friendships, marital, loss of a close loved one, and [health issues]. Lately I’ve been very spiritually dry. Desert dry. The pain and hurt were so deep.... I longed for spiritual guidance and depth from God’s Word.”
Unsure how to find spiritual guidance Tammy attempted to read through the Bible on her own but struggled to get anything out of it. One day she opened a letter from us and saw an advertisement for a sermon series from Chuck Swindoll. She read the titles and knew the messages were for her.
“While at work this last Saturday night I listened to a few of them. The messages were exactly what I needed to hear and I’ve been encouraged to persevere no matter what and to trust God to meet our needs, my needs, in all areas and to just trust Him. My soul has been watered as a result! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, again, for your faithfulness to preaching the good news of our Lord and Saviour over the years with integrity and grace. Love your way of preaching and especially your laughter. May God continue to bless you and your family and the ministry of Insight for Living.”
Tammy’s story is just one of the thousands we’ve read or heard over our 30 years of ministry in Canada. These are people whose lives have been touched by the Bible-teaching ministry of Chuck Swindoll and Insight for Living.
When they were at low points we were there, teaching them how to gain sure footing through biblical understanding and spiritual guidance.
We want to expand our reach and provide even more Canadians with the tools they need not only to read God’s Word but also absorb and apply it to their lives.