Resource Library
Learning With Perception
Love is like glue. In order to be effective, it must be applied. It won’t do any good if it stays in the container.
A Moment of Rage
God was ready to lead the Israelites into “a land flowing with milk and honey.” Yet, most of the Hebrew spies were intimidated—and soon, most all of the people felt the same. Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he traces the roots and the effects of anger that lead to disobedience in our lives.
Defiant Children
Children need the loving limits of guidelines and boundaries, that’s why discipline is so important. Discipline tells children their parents love them too much to let them rebel.
The Integrity of Finishing Well
Father, thank You for the accounts of Scriptures’ ordinary people who followed You faithfully. I seek Your help as, together, we write my story of faithful devotion.
Children are a Gift
Our children are gifts to be treasured. They belong to God, but he has entrusted them to our care.
Character, Regardless
Do you need to take a stand against something or someone? Are you fearful of what may happen? Take a page from Esther’s story and ask the Lord for courage. He will give you the strength you need.