Resource Library
Great Days of Youth
As we instruct our children on how to live, let’s be sure they have a lot of fun when it’s the years for having fun. Let’s also be sure to keep them from disillusionment.
Strengthening Your Grip on Money
God’s blessings are not for sale. He showers His gracious gifts—monetary and otherwise—on whomever He pleases. In fact, Paul wrote about this subject in the last chapter of his first letter to Timothy, explaining that God expects contentment and stewardship from His children.
Grace is a Big Deal
Coming to grips with God’s grace will loosen your inclination for sin. Once your faith is placed in Jesus and you’ve experienced His forgiveness, sin’s dominance will be loosed from your life.
God is Watching
Something happens when you know your father is watching and smiling. It changes your whole lifestyle. What if we lived like God our Father is watching and smiling? Would anything change?
Four Reasons You Should Memorize Scripture
Memorizing Scripture will help you gain control of your thought life—you’ll become disciplined, sharp, and confident.
Strengthening Your Grip on Purity
Far too many Christians have bought into the “pursue pleasure at all costs” philosophy. Marriages are breaking up at almost the same rate inside the Church as outside. Christian leaders often create just as much scandal as any movie star. And many churches no longer place holy living at the top of their priority list. But purity, as Paul explained in Romans 6, is a powerful alternative to our culture’s formula for living.