In Canada, our national office is committed to excellence in communicating the truths of Scripture and the person of Jesus Christ. Our hope is people will come to an understanding of God’s plan for their lives through accurate, clear, and practical teaching.
Insight for Living Canada was legally established in late 1984 and today Insight for Living airs in every major Canadian Christian radio market, our monthly magazine Insights is distributed to more than 5,000 homes, and we are expanding our ministry to include a media agency and publishing house.
Personal story from founding member, Bob Kuhn
In 1984, a group of people, including me, came together to study God’s Word. We found ourselves profoundly moved by the Bible-based teaching of a pastor by the name of Chuck Swindoll. So moved that we felt compelled to see if this teaching could be made available regularly in Canada through the Insight for Living daily radio broadcast.
As it turned out, Canada would become the first of many countries outside of the United States to receive Chuck Swindoll’s daily broadcast. This was the beginning of a ministry that now crosses our country and is heard by thousands of people each day. Only God could have foretold the impact that this ministry has had.
Over the years Insight for Living Canada has distributed countless Bible-study guides, books, CDs, and other biblical teaching resources. All are designed to fulfil its mission: Commitment to Excellence in Communicating Biblical Truth and Its Application.
From day one we understood what God has called this ministry to do—to teach the message of Jesus Christ and how to apply that message to our lives. We have been greatly encouraged by the many people who have let us know how the ministry has blessed and challenged them, and provided biblical principles for leading a victorious life in Christ.
God’s Word has no expiration date. It is timeless. With the issues faced daily by individuals and families across our country, we must continue to present God’s Word in innovative and effective ways while maintaining the integrity of His will and purpose for Insight for Living Canada.
We trust you will walk with us in this exciting journey.