Estate gifts, annuities, securities, and gifts-in-kind are other ways you can support Insight for Living Canada.
If you have questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our office weekdays during regular business hours.
1.800.663.7639 |
The ministry’s legal name is Insight for Living Ministries Canada and must be used in any legal papers, such as Wills or designating transactions. Our registered charity number is 11896-9005 RR-001.
Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by Insight for Living Canada (IFLC). Should a donor choose to restrict a contribution for use in a particular program or project, IFLC will honour that restriction with the express proviso that when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by IFLC, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed or otherwise as designated by the leadership team.
Estate planning helps you provide for your family, reduce your tax burden, and support charities in your will to reflect your faith and values. Call us today and let us connect you with an estate-planning specialist in your area!
Estates are normally taxed when funds are withdrawn from RRSPs. However, you can name Insight for Living Ministries Canada as the beneficiary of your RRSP or RRIF and the ministry will receive the full value tax-free. Instead of paying tax, your estate would get an offsetting charitable donation tax credit.
Did you know if you transfer ownership of real estate and real property to Insight for Living Ministries Canada, you receive a tax-deductible receipt for the assessed value? A qualified, independent third party is required to determine the value of the property before a tax receipt can be issued.
An annuity allows you to make a current gift and also receive a regular income generated by that gift. Enjoy significant tax benefits and superior returns on your investment regardless of market conditions while helping Insight for Living Ministries Canada at the same time.
Donating publicly listed securities (stocks, RRSPs, mutual funds, etc.) to Insight for Living Ministries Canada provides an added tax benefit. The taxable portion of your capital gains will be reduced to 0 per cent rather than the regular 50 per cent. You will also receive a tax-deductible receipt for the full-market value of the security at the time the gift is given.