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These five-minute programs feature Chuck Swindoll's best stories. You'll hear his loudest laughs, his funniest experiences, and his famous catch phrases.

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Messages in this Series

Wisdom and Intellectualism

James 1:5

If you’re dealing with problems caused by your own foolishness, ask God what wise course of action you can take to turn your problems in the right direction. As you seek His wisdom for your decisions and responses to everyday life, the right attitudes and actions will become clearer.

Quiet Wisdom


Death and sudden disaster are realities we must face. We can’t escape them, no matter how strong or clever we are. What’s needed in these situations is to apply quiet wisdom and acknowledge God’s sovereignty over our lives.


We want mysteries to be solved. But God is sovereign—and He has His own answers and purposes. The proper perspective on mysteries allows us to place our trust and hope in God, regardless of whether or not He reveals the answer to us.

Life Isn't Fair

Ecclesiastes 6:2

It’s important to have a vision and pursue your dreams. But we have to be prepared for life to take unexpected twists and turns. So in the pursuit of our dreams we must also learn to enjoy what we have in the present.
