A True and Dependable Source
The Bible has withstood centuries of opposition—and the opposition continues today. There’s a battle against the Word of God because it’s alive, powerful, and changes lives.
The Bible has withstood centuries of opposition—and the opposition continues today. There’s a battle against the Word of God because it’s alive, powerful, and changes lives.
These 12 important words from Chuck Swindoll are helpful for those who are in a transition time. These words, put into practice, will leave you more secure, self-confident, and not afraid to fly free.
No matter if we’re four or 84...when we’re told not to do something, we immediately want to. Don’t touch wet paint. Don’t walk on the grass. Don’t fish off the balcony. We’re all guilty of wanting to do what we’re not supposed to. And that’s why we all need God’s grace.
There’s a big difference between empathy and sympathy. To sympathize is to feel for someone. To empathize is to feel with someone.
When you unfold the truths in God’s Word it’s remarkable what surprising and sometimes stinging things come out. Knives often hurt.
Preserving the Bible is worth fighting for. Even though it was written thousands of years ago it’s still relevant because it’s alive. God’s word convicts, comforts, and teaches.
But this heaven-bound path we’re on is also a warpath. We are engaged in a fight every single day of our lives. It’s a fight about truth, trusting God, and believing His Word. It’s a fight against lies and deception.
Tough though it may be to admit it, most of us resist growing up. We say all the things that suggest otherwise, but in reality, we resist launching out into the ocean of adulthood. It seems only logical that we spend a little while analyzing why there is such a strong resistance within us to move on into the responsibilities and challenges of adulthood.
For millennia, God has called men and women to cease striving, trust Him, and surrender to His will and His way. Discover the magnificent tranquility available to you.
From Isaiah 26 and Hebrews 4, Pastor Chuck Swindoll explains how peace is God’s gift to every believer. We don’t have to respond to life’s situations the world’s way because we possess supernatural faith.