Memorize, Personalize, Analyze
Your Bible reading will be transformed if in your time with the Lord daily you personalize the passage of Scripture. Memorizing, mixed with personalizing, will enable you to analyze.
In his second letter to Timothy, Paul wrote that “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Christians from the apostles until now have, like Paul, regarded Scripture as central to the life and growth of the Church.
But even though we know its importance to our lives, too often our knowledge and application of Scripture remain minimal. Why? Perhaps sitting down to study the Bible might seem intimidating, or it could just be difficult to carve out some devotional time. Maybe you have questions about the Bible, but you aren’t sure where to look for answers.
Let these tools, articles, audio sermons, and resources help you incorporate the Scriptures more fully into your life.
Your Bible reading will be transformed if in your time with the Lord daily you personalize the passage of Scripture. Memorizing, mixed with personalizing, will enable you to analyze.
Water in the Bible symbolizes God’s power, life, and renewal. It demonstrates His control, sustains creation, and cleanses spiritually. Discover more about its significance in Scripture!
Memorizing Scripture will help you gain control of your thought life—you’ll become disciplined, sharp, and confident.
Biblical illiteracy might be understandable if we lacked the ability to read, had limited access to Bibles, or if they were only available in the original languages. But today, we have more Bibles and Bible translations than any other time in history!
Scripture has a depth unlike any other book, offering endless insights to discover and learn. But how can we read it in a way that uncovers all it has to offer?
God’s Word is a mirror for the soul, reflecting what needs to change. As James warns, hearing it isn’t enough—real transformation comes when we act on it.
From Genesis onward, the threads of “light” and “darkness” illuminate profound truths about God, salvation, and His people, weaving meaning into the story of Scripture and our lives.
Many believers have never been taught how to correctly interpret and apply Scripture, leading to misinterpretation, misunderstanding, and misapplication. What is the basis for accurate biblical application?
Do you need wisdom so you can become skilled at godly living? Then become a student of Proverbs. It can transform your way of thinking.
In Ecclesiastes 1:14, King Solomon says “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.” If there is nothing to be hopeful about “under the sun,” there must be something beyond it.