Biblical Ignorance
The Reformation put Scripture into the hands of the people. God’s Word is resilient. It survives all attempts to destroy it. Don’t take your Bible for granted. Study it, learn it, know it.
In his second letter to Timothy, Paul wrote that “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Christians from the apostles until now have, like Paul, regarded Scripture as central to the life and growth of the Church.
But even though we know its importance to our lives, too often our knowledge and application of Scripture remain minimal. Why? Perhaps sitting down to study the Bible might seem intimidating, or it could just be difficult to carve out some devotional time. Maybe you have questions about the Bible, but you aren’t sure where to look for answers.
Let these tools, articles, audio sermons, and resources help you incorporate the Scriptures more fully into your life.
The Reformation put Scripture into the hands of the people. God’s Word is resilient. It survives all attempts to destroy it. Don’t take your Bible for granted. Study it, learn it, know it.
Nehemiah 4:1–9 shows that Israel’s leader didn’t back down, and the wall kept going up. How did he do it? Nehemiah pressed into prayer. Listen to these prayers with Pastor Chuck Swindoll, and remember that, when God is in a project, it can’t fail!
Nehemiah handled criticism and opposition—the most difficult parts of leadership—with abundant grace. Help cultivate this skill essential leadership skill through Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s exposition of Nehemiah 2:11–20.
While carrying his great burden for the people and conditions in Jerusalem, Nehemiah began the tough job of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem…by getting on his knees in prayer. He asked God for compassion and understanding to come to the heart of King Artaxerxes.
Discover the power of prayer with Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he tells how communion with God makes you wait, clears your vision, quiets your heart, and activates your faith.
Begin your journey into the book of Nehemiah with Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he looks to this leader’s example. Explore the qualities that made Nehemiah a man of character and apply his example to your own life!
Pastor Chuck Swindoll wraps up this series on grace by concluding that, while God loves unity, he doesn’t demand uniformity. Understand how you can extend grace to others even amid differences.
Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he reveals that Christians have a choice—either to continue to yield to the sinful desires of the flesh or to experience true freedom through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll shows that, even though the strongest believers struggle with sin, Jesus Christ offers His people moment-by-moment victory.
Romans 6:15–23 explains that, through His death, Christ offered freedom to experience the peace and wholeness that God designed for His people. So, whose slave will you be—sin’s or Christ’s? Make the choice today with Pastor Chuck Swindoll.