The touch of grace that softens the soil of our souls
If Christ has used IFL to touch your life and you want to stand with us in sharing His gentle invitation to others, please prayerfully consider sending a financial gift this month.
If Christ has used IFL to touch your life and you want to stand with us in sharing His gentle invitation to others, please prayerfully consider sending a financial gift this month.
It takes courage to step out from the safety of the hothouse of Christianity and walk through the open door of evangelism. It is risky. It isn’t easy. But guess what? It’s never been easy. In fact, at times it has been downright deadly.
When circumstances like these arrive in our lives, we all need to have developed the habit of spending time with the Lord. I never could have imagined the journey God would take us on in answer to those prayers offered many years ago. He is full of surprises!
Will you send a gift this month to help us continue our mission? We deeply appreciate every second you invest in praying for Insight for Living Canada as well as your financial support.
The pressures of life can seem overwhelming. Sixty-hour workweeks. Razor-thin balances in the chequebook every month. Children who demand unending boundless bursts of energy. You’ve been there? Me too.
At the zenith of His career, Jesus pulled away to the secluded area of Caesarea Philippi. On His mind was a crucial question for His disciples—and for us as well. Travel back with me to the scene as it unfolds.
As you consider a gift for dad when his special day comes around, look him in the eye or call him on the phone and give him the gift he needs more than anything. Give him your love.
Do not get so busy doing for Christ that you neglect being with Christ. Love is the greatest thing, but for it to thrive, it must be the main your your your worship.
Listen, this Bible of ours is full and running over with promises and encouragements directly related to the return of our Lord Christ. I just checked. It’s not just hinted at; it’s highlighted. It’s an obvious theme of New Testament truth.
Jesus didn’t limit His Great Commission to a certain class of spectacular Christians who had “arrived.” His command and promise are for all Christians who are maturing and walking in pursuit of His calling.