Four Ways You Can Reflect the Truth
God’s Word is a mirror for the soul, reflecting what needs to change. As James warns, hearing it isn’t enough—real transformation comes when we act on it.
Many of us want to share or pass on our faith to our kids, our grandkids, our friends, and any others God brings across our path. But when we think carefully about it, do we understand what we’re trying to achieve? If not we can easily and unwittingly undermine our efforts.
Because faith in Christ isn’t about morality, doctrinal precepts, or church traditions, sharing our faith is not about passing on a set of morals, doctrines, or church traditions.
Instead, we want to pass on love for the Lord. By changing our question from how do I pass on my faith to others? to how do I live so as to cultivate a love for Christ in others? we shift our focus.
God’s Word is a mirror for the soul, reflecting what needs to change. As James warns, hearing it isn’t enough—real transformation comes when we act on it.
Do you spend a lot of time surrounded by those who don’t know Christ? Here’s what Chuck Swindoll says will be sure to win the world’s attention more than anything else.
It takes courage to step out from the safety of the hothouse of Christianity and walk through the open door of evangelism. It is risky. It isn’t easy. But guess what? It’s never been easy. In fact, at times it has been downright deadly.
If you know Jesus Christ and you’ve heard the truth then you know it has got to be shared. If you give it away, the message stays fresh.
Counterfeits are skilled at deception. Spotting a counterfeit requires discernment. Discernment comes from knowing God’s Word.
We may not be able to reach millions of people, but we can impact our neighbour...our co-worker...our friend. Reaching the world starts with just one person.
Are you free to proclaim the name of Christ where you live? Chuck Swindoll does not take that freedom for granted and encourages us to pray for more to hear the Gospel.
IFLM’s collaboration with Ethiopian church leaders is flourishing as we focus on watering with the pure Word of Christ that God might cause an abundance of native growth. He did it right before our eyes while we were there!
Many of us are currently enduring a crisis. Yes, crisis changes the course of our lives. But what we often forget is that the changes can open doors to a life better than what would have been if the crisis had not happened.
In his sermon on Colossians 4:2–6, Chuck Swindoll helps you make this divine checklist your own.