Bubble Wrap Children: How Shielding Kids from Suffering Works against Them
Here are five key lessons kids learn through going through hard times with the sensitive guidance of their parents.
Here are five key lessons kids learn through going through hard times with the sensitive guidance of their parents.
True to James 1:2-4, my troubles tested my faith. They brought hardship and hidden tears, but, also true to Scripture, they became opportunities for great joy. Here are several insights I gleaned through my experience.
Some books in the Bible teach profound theological doctrine like Paul’s epic letter to the Romans. Some tell amazing stories of powerful leaders who rose and fell. In this message, Chuck Swindoll describes a book that does neither. It’s a manual on how to walk with God.
Do you spend regular times in prayer? When you turn to the Lord you’re being filled with His streams of living water.
We'll do anything to avoid the slightest semblance of pain. We have pills for headaches. Heaters for a cold house. Fast food when our stomach growls. But satisfying our physical needs doesn’t work in the spiritual realm. So what do you do when your troubles won't go away? Chuck Swindoll answers the question in this message.
We think of promotions as a positive thing and they usually are, but promotions can also bring devastation to your integrity. Remember when you’re promoted it came by God’s sovereign grace.
As Christians, we know that we're supposed to avoid sin. But because Jesus has paid our penalty, there’s a tendency to treat sin rather lightly. Chuck Swindoll describes the dire consequences of giving in to temptation.
Complaining never happens solo. When you complain, you not only discourage yourself but those around you. Listen to yourself today. Are you impacting those around you with complaints or with encouragement?
Divorce is painful. It tears families apart and causes deep wounds. But in this message, Chuck Swindoll will describe a different kind of divorce…a separation that divides our own hearts.
Perspective is a wonderful thing. It helps us when we look at the familiar and with fresh perspective see something we’ve never noticed before. It changes our thoughts and our behaviour.