God's Sovereignty, Our Sanity
Not until we acknowledge God’s sovereignty will we be able to understand life according to God’s Word.
Seek His Word to learn His heart.
A tragic accident takes a husband from his family. The unexpected loss of a job leaves parents and children fearful and without provision. A young woman continues to wait for marriage, but each of her boyfriends says he still needs more time.
Sometimes we have the idea that if we just knew what direction to take, following God would be easier. But it never seems to work that way. How is God operating in our lives? Can we really know His will, and, if so, how can we know it? These resources are designed to help guide you as you seek to know and follow God’s will for your life.
Not until we acknowledge God’s sovereignty will we be able to understand life according to God’s Word.
God has been at work in human history. Over the passing of time He arranged a set of events that would lead ultimately to the beginning and to the continuation of humanity for as long as He chooses.
Are you roaring through life doing your own thing? One day God will say, “That’s enough.” And He’ll do whatever it takes to get your attention and bring you to Him.
One of Chuck Swindoll’s favourite Bible stories is Daniel in the lions’ den, although he thinks it should be called the lions in Daniel’s den.
God’s plan for our lives isn’t always revealed to us, and it rarely makes sense. Our job is to trust and obey.
We think of promotions as a positive thing and they usually are, but promotions can also bring devastation to your integrity. Remember when you’re promoted it came by God’s sovereign grace.
Sometimes we see justice here on earth, but many times we don’t. However, God always acts justly. He will not and cannot ignore sin.
There’s a lot about God’s plan we don’t understand. But He never promised He’d tell us His plan—He just promised He has one. Our part is to trust Him in the mystery.
God’s ways often seem illogical to us. But when we look back it’s easy to see God was watching out for us and His way really is best.
When you embrace the written Word of God as your guide, you start thinking differently. And best of all, you live better. I urge you to make this New Year a year when you and the written Word of God get much better acquainted.