When Doors Slam Shut
Pastor Chuck Swindoll investigates Acts 16:6–10 about a closed door the Apostle Paul contended with. Rather than being the enemy’s work, the closed door turned out to be God’s doing.
Seek His Word to learn His heart.
A tragic accident takes a husband from his family. The unexpected loss of a job leaves parents and children fearful and without provision. A young woman continues to wait for marriage, but each of her boyfriends says he still needs more time.
Sometimes we have the idea that if we just knew what direction to take, following God would be easier. But it never seems to work that way. How is God operating in our lives? Can we really know His will, and, if so, how can we know it? These resources are designed to help guide you as you seek to know and follow God’s will for your life.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll investigates Acts 16:6–10 about a closed door the Apostle Paul contended with. Rather than being the enemy’s work, the closed door turned out to be God’s doing.
It can be difficult to balance the here and now with what’s next, but the good news is God has already given us the tools we need to make a wise decision. Here are three ways I’ve learned to focus on what really matters when making decisions.
Come alongside Pastor Chuck Swindoll to learn about the great blessings that come from acknowledging and embracing God’s sovereignty.
As you begin this new year, join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he teaches the vital topic of God’s providence and reveals what God desires to do with your life over these next 365 days.
It seems to be a method of operating that God chooses nobodies—people of no account living in obscurity. “God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important.”
From the virgin birth to the death and the Resurrection to the soon-coming of Christ, the plan of Almighty God is packed with innovation and creativity. It had never been done before. It will never be done again.
Painful or pressing conditions quickly reveal our internal battles. These struggles are not usually between what is good or bad, right or wrong, but between our desires and God’s will.
As much as I love to have the future figured out and my five-year plans mapped out, in truth, we are all going through life blindfolded. We don’t know what’s around the corner. We have no idea what’s going to happen tomorrow.
When the Lord—from a burning bush—called Moses to be His prophet, the sheepherder initially resisted the call. Moses came up with a variety of excuses—the first of which shows that his perspective was completely out of whack.
I don’t know what God has in store for you, and you won’t either until you purposefully and intentionally respond to His call. As Pastor Chuck Swindoll says, “Been resisting God’s call on your life? Don’t be afraid to follow. He leads you in love.”