Our Plans and God's Plans
Living happily ever after isn’t usually God’s plan for us, but what He does have in store for us is a great adventure. Walking with God is the most exciting and rewarding of all experiences on earth.
Living happily ever after isn’t usually God’s plan for us, but what He does have in store for us is a great adventure. Walking with God is the most exciting and rewarding of all experiences on earth.
Not having things go the way we want when we want is one of the toughest things in life we have to deal with. Prayers aren't answered right away, loved ones pass away, and bad things happen to good people.
People are sometimes uncomfortable with the notion that God is sovereign and in complete control. We prefer to think we're in charge of our own destiny. But in this message, Chuck Swindoll assures us that the sovereignty of God is our greatest comfort.
Come alongside Pastor Chuck Swindoll to learn about the great blessings that come from acknowledging and embracing God’s sovereignty.
In an attempt to come to an understanding of worship, it is helpful to realize there is a difference between the essence of worship and the expression of worship.