God's Sovereignty, Our Sanity
Not until we acknowledge God’s sovereignty will we be able to understand life according to God’s Word.
What words come to mind when you hear the term theology? Dry…Dreary…Doubtful…DULL? You’re not alone.
Too often we don’t realize that theology—thinking about God—is an intimate part of our everyday lives, rather than something that takes place in ivory towers crowded with bearded men crouched over dusty books. We each engage in theology because we each have a set of beliefs about God. But rather than being content with our ideas about God as they now stand, we should each have a desire to know God better than we do today. If you’ve got that desire, then you’re ready to do theology!
Let these resources point the way to a faith more deeply connected with who God actually says He is.
Not until we acknowledge God’s sovereignty will we be able to understand life according to God’s Word.
Water in the Bible symbolizes God’s power, life, and renewal. It demonstrates His control, sustains creation, and cleanses spiritually. Discover more about its significance in Scripture!
Listen to Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s teaching through Job and Romans 8 to sharpen your theological thinking.
Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he discusses God’s holiness, the gift of holiness for believers, and a believer’s calling to pursue the same.
Hear Pastor Chuck Swindoll discuss how God’s immutability and faithfulness work in tandem.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll illuminates God’s mercy, or chesed, in the stories of five biblical characters. They enjoyed divine relief despite injustice, loss, physical affliction, and sin.
Biblical illiteracy might be understandable if we lacked the ability to read, had limited access to Bibles, or if they were only available in the original languages. But today, we have more Bibles and Bible translations than any other time in history!
Jesus says if we build our lives on Him, when the storms of life come, we will stand. We can trust in His wisdom and power.
Scripture has a depth unlike any other book, offering endless insights to discover and learn. But how can we read it in a way that uncovers all it has to offer?
Listen to Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s honest story of how he learned to believe in God’s sovereignty. Walk through passages in Daniel, Job, and Romans to discover the truth for yourself.