Job: Faithful through Adversity
The Old Testament character of Job was a man of unwavering character. God allowed Satan to strip Job of everything he had. Despite these harsh trials, God knew Job would remain faithful.
Insights magazine is designed to encourage, inspire, and instruct you in your journey of faith. Produced by Insight for Living Canada this free monthly publication is enjoyed by thousands of people across the country.
The Old Testament character of Job was a man of unwavering character. God allowed Satan to strip Job of everything he had. Despite these harsh trials, God knew Job would remain faithful.
Anniversaries are a beautiful combination of memories, changes, growing dependence, and dreams. Ours dates back to June 18, 1955, when a couple of kids said, “I do” and committed themselves to each other for life.
How has Scripture remained intact through history? Despite relentless attacks, God's promise to preserve His Word has kept the Bible enduring and unaltered. Discover how divine protection has ensured the Bible's survival.
Father, I call to You, my great God. Speak to me through this ancient book. Talk in terms that I can understand, and begin a work of changing my thinking so that I can change my way of living. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Abigail from the Old Testament had impressive character. Her example serves as inspiration for how individuals can navigate difficult situations with wisdom, humility, and resourcefulness.
It takes courage to step out from the safety of the hothouse of Christianity and walk through the open door of evangelism. It is risky. It isn’t easy. But guess what? It’s never been easy. In fact, at times it has been downright deadly.
When circumstances like these arrive in our lives, we all need to have developed the habit of spending time with the Lord. I never could have imagined the journey God would take us on in answer to those prayers offered many years ago. He is full of surprises!
While all translators have the same goal they differ as to how best to do this. All translation is the translator’s interpretation of what equivalent word or phrase best captures the meaning and contextualization of the original text.
Jabez’s heartfelt prayer moved the Lord’s hand of mercy: “God granted him his request” (4:10). By answering Jabez’s prayer, the Lord elevated him as an honourable, distinguished, and respected man in Israel.
The pressures of life can seem overwhelming. Sixty-hour workweeks. Razor-thin balances in the chequebook every month. Children who demand unending boundless bursts of energy. You’ve been there? Me too.