Our Ultimate Hooray
How can we be so certain that we will be resurrected? What is the source of our assurance? What gives us unshakable confidence in the face of death? The fact of Christ’s Resurrection.
Insights magazine is designed to encourage, inspire, and instruct you in your journey of faith. Produced by Insight for Living Canada this free monthly publication is enjoyed by thousands of people across the country.
How can we be so certain that we will be resurrected? What is the source of our assurance? What gives us unshakable confidence in the face of death? The fact of Christ’s Resurrection.
When John arrived, he stopped at the entrance and looked inside. Peter ran straight into the tomb and was shocked by what he saw. Joining Peter inside the tomb, I like to think that John whispered, “He’s alive!”
Esther, a courageous and obedient queen, dedicated her life and actions to the Lord and He used her to save a nation. Through her story we learn how to face life’s difficulties with grace and trust Him to make things right in the end.
What about our mentoring, counselling, and discipleship? If we believe Scripture is powerful, we ought to make it central to any solution we offer. Is our confidence in methods, systems, theories, and philosophies, or is our confidence in God’s Word?
People of integrity refuse to waver in their principles, regardless the temptation. They follow God’s way even though no one else goes with them. Even though everyone else opposes them they endure with faithful obedience.
Moses, a leader and profit who was meek and dedicated to the Lord, teaches us through his life story that where you start is not where you end up, with God’s help, and failure is never final.
“Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart” (1 Peter 1:22). Why would Peter tell believers who loved each other to love each other?
The word translated “inspired” in 2 Timothy 3:16 literally means “God-breathed” and expresses the concept of exhalation by God. The Scriptures are the product of God having breathed them out.
I’m going to tell you how to waste your time this year. That’s right, if you follow this advice, you will make absolutely no progress this year. Guaranteed! Put these suggestions into motion, and your new year could set records in wasting valuable time.
One biblical figure encountered the fiercest storms, but his 80-plus years of walking with God taught him that upholding an unshakable integrity is the best way to get through adversity. His name is Daniel.