Closed Doors, Open Doors
Looking at Revelation 3 and Acts 16, Pastor Chuck Swindoll reveals how the Lord uses shut doors to lead His people through better doors with greater opportunities.
Looking at Revelation 3 and Acts 16, Pastor Chuck Swindoll reveals how the Lord uses shut doors to lead His people through better doors with greater opportunities.
“You can’t judge a book by its cover”—that’s a phrase we’ve all heard before. What’s true of people is also true of churches—you can’t tell the effectiveness of a church by its building. To discover the traits of an effective church, we have to examine what’s on the inside. Fortunately, Jesus Himself shows us what to look for.
Tolerance, in its essence, is a disposition to allow freedom of choice and behaviour. However, the ideal of tolerance is now a legalistic blanket of rightness.
It takes courage to step out from the safety of the hothouse of Christianity and walk through the open door of evangelism. It is risky. It isn’t easy. But guess what? It’s never been easy. In fact, at times it has been downright deadly.
The church at Sardis had all the appearances of vibrant and productive life, but they were dead.
Even though it was the youngest of the seven churches, the church at Philadelphia received nothing but commendation from Christ in His evaluation.
Self-sustained in their wealth and independent spirit, the Laodiceans are severely rebuked by the One who knew them all too well.