Running for the Prize
Let this sink in: our obedience in this life matters now and counts forever. Life in heaven will echo with the consequences of the lives we lived on earth.
Let this sink in: our obedience in this life matters now and counts forever. Life in heaven will echo with the consequences of the lives we lived on earth.
Revelation is notoriously considered the most difficult of all the Bible books…completely unique, full of symbols, and awesome in scope. Regrettably, Revelation has occasionally become the playground of religious eccentrics, fodder for prophecy “fanatics” who seem compelled to find in Revelation a detailed end-times timetable—right down to the very day of the Lord’s return.
Apocalyptic, as a category of prophetic literature, is the most dramatic, foreign, and difficult to understand of all the biblical literary forms. It deals with end-of-the-world events using symbolism and figurative language.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll explores selections from Revelation that provide a closer look at the significance of Jesus’ work in the past, present, and future. Look back to the debt Jesus paid, consider your current walk with Him, and look forward to when He’ll return to judge evil and reign with His people.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll teaches from Revelation, illuminating how Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith. Even more, Jesus is the origin of creation and the end toward which and for which everything culminates!
Rather than keeping us in the dark, God wants to expose what lies ahead so we might know what will occur in the final years of earthly existence and beyond.
The stage has been set for the first of many visions. John listens as Jesus speaks.
John records Christ's evaluation of the seven churches listed in Revelation 1:11.
Suffering and hardship, as experienced by the church at Smyrna, are hard to bear but purify God's people.
Tragically, the church at Pergamum, in the midst of satanic opposition, dulled the edge of its effectiveness through doctrinal and moral compromise.