The Church on a Long Drift
Tragically, erosion took a toll on the church at Ephesus causing the Lord to finally announce for all to hear, “You have left your first love” (Revelation 2:4).
Tragically, erosion took a toll on the church at Ephesus causing the Lord to finally announce for all to hear, “You have left your first love” (Revelation 2:4).
The mind is an amazing thing. In a matter of seconds it can transport you to scenes you thought you had forgotten. Remember when your love for the Lord was in full bloom? Remember the passion you felt? Remember your deep devotion?
John records Christ's evaluation of the seven churches listed in Revelation 1:11.
Suffering and hardship, as experienced by the church at Smyrna, are hard to bear but purify God's people.
Tragically, the church at Pergamum, in the midst of satanic opposition, dulled the edge of its effectiveness through doctrinal and moral compromise.
The church at Thyatira was loving and active, but tolerated a Jezebel in their midst.
“You can’t judge a book by its cover”—that’s a phrase we’ve all heard before. What’s true of people is also true of churches—you can’t tell the effectiveness of a church by its building. To discover the traits of an effective church, we have to examine what’s on the inside. Fortunately, Jesus Himself shows us what to look for.
Eternity isn’t something we like to think about, but each of us will certainly enter it one day. The question is...where will we spend it?
Do not get so busy doing for Christ that you neglect being with Christ. Love is the greatest thing, but for it to thrive, it must be the main your your your worship.
“If it feels good, do it.” Six single-syllable words comprise the motto of this generation. God gave us the senses, but if pushed to a far enough extreme, we move into either heresy or perversion.