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Do you find prayer difficult? We know that our heavenly Father will respond to our prayers with power and grace. But attempting to express our soul's deepest longings to the God of the universe sometimes leaves us silent.

Jesus knew His followers would struggle as they attempted to talk with God. So, in the Lord's Prayer, Jesus gave us an illustration of how to pray. Rather than reciting His words verbatim, we can learn from Jesus' model. His prayer included: worship, thanksgiving, a declaration of faith, confession of sin, and petition. Our Lord's example can help us put into words what our hearts long to say to God.

Do you need a boost in your prayer life? Then you will love these resources on prayer. They will help you deepen your own communion with the Lord. Remember—the God of the universe loves you, and His ear is inclined in your direction!

Resources on this Topic

Keep it in Perspective

Colossians 1

What’s your priority in life? An image? A name? A job? Once you’ve given your priorities to the Lord, who knows, He may pour them back on you. Or He may keep them at a safe distance and every once in a while let you enjoy a few. But they’ll all be added to you from His hand rather than from your own.

Wisdom and Intellectualism

James 1:5

If you’re dealing with problems caused by your own foolishness, ask God what wise course of action you can take to turn your problems in the right direction. As you seek His wisdom for your decisions and responses to everyday life, the right attitudes and actions will become clearer.

Bad Days

Psalm 139:3

In the midst of a bad day remember these three things. First, you’re not alone. Second, you’re not without protection. Third, you’re not without hope. God is with you.
