Enjoying Life Now, Not Later
Enjoying life is inseparably linked to the life and plan of our Creator.
Enjoying life is inseparably linked to the life and plan of our Creator.
Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he explores some of Solomon’s most profound conclusions on fearing God. Start early and live a regretless life that counts for eternity!
Everybody gets older whether you admit it or not. The question is, “Will we grow sweeter, or will we rot?” Once all the children have left the nest and two people who honeymooned together 25 or 30 years ago are left to “start over,” how can they resist negative tendencies and stay young at heart? How can they support one another's growth toward spiritual maturity?
Since all of us will “return to the earth” and since our spirit “will return to God who gave it,” now is the time to remember Him in all our ways.
The book of Ecclesiastes ends with the rebel back in the pulpit, now that his heart and soul are above the sun.
Remembering your Creator means more than just thinking about Him now and then. It means keeping Him at the forefront of your mind so His will affects your attitudes and actions.
Instead of trying to stop aging, which is impossible, why not change the way you look at aging? Aging well has more to do with attitude than anything else.
Although we’re living longer than ever before, one day our bodies will return to the earth and our spirits will return to God. Now is the time to remember Him in all our thoughts and deeds.
Our souls will find no peace until we remember our Creator. Now is the time to remember Him in all our thoughts and actions.
We seem to accept cynicism and doubt in all professions except preaching. There seems to be an unwritten law that says, “Thou shalt not doubt, struggle, or rebel.” But the truth is, pastors are human too. They need the same grace as everyone else who has questions.