Human History
God has been at work in human history. Over the passing of time He arranged a set of events that would lead ultimately to the beginning and to the continuation of humanity for as long as He chooses.
Seek His Word to learn His heart.
A tragic accident takes a husband from his family. The unexpected loss of a job leaves parents and children fearful and without provision. A young woman continues to wait for marriage, but each of her boyfriends says he still needs more time.
Sometimes we have the idea that if we just knew what direction to take, following God would be easier. But it never seems to work that way. How is God operating in our lives? Can we really know His will, and, if so, how can we know it? These resources are designed to help guide you as you seek to know and follow God’s will for your life.
God has been at work in human history. Over the passing of time He arranged a set of events that would lead ultimately to the beginning and to the continuation of humanity for as long as He chooses.
God has wired us to find comfort, security, and identity in the familiar, the routine, our customs and traditions. Losing them or changing them can throw us off balance and that’s uncomfortable.
One of the most basic and helpful things in understanding the concept of God's will is to understand the Bible's distinction between what we call the moral will of God and the sovereign will of God.
Jesus said a number of things that, at face value, lead us to believe that with faith we can do anything. That all sounds great but there seems to be another side to this that suggests even with faith, we can’t do everything.
Without warning, life sometimes prods us down a path that forks into two roads. Even though both choices appear to end with a cliff, we’re forced to choose.
The Bible contains wisdom and truth for life in its commands, teaching, and examples so that we can live God-honouring obedient lives.
Some things are worth waiting for. Do you struggle with God’s timing? Think of Ecclesiastes 3:11, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Trust that God knows what He’s doing and wait patiently for Him to act.
The reality is that it is not an either/or issue of trusting God to act or us acting alone. It is a both/and issue of trusting fully and acting wisely according to God’s revealed will in Scripture.
Dive into this vital passage with Pastor Chuck Swindoll to discover five principles for successfully preparing for the race of faith ahead of you.
When everyone is busy following major world events, God is watching the hillside—looking for faithful followers to fulfil His purposes. When we’re faithful to the demanding tasks of life, the daily grind of life, that’s when God can use us.