This is a Neighbour
It’s easy to stay inside our comfort zones but reaching out to our neighbours is what the Christian life is all about. It’s what we’re called to do.
It’s easy to stay inside our comfort zones but reaching out to our neighbours is what the Christian life is all about. It’s what we’re called to do.
What does God want most from us?” the words I hope to hear are, “He wants us to love Him.” That’s the point. Morality is not the point.
What does it mean to be a good neighbour? Does it mean keeping your dogs from barking at night and lending your neighbour eggs when they run out? Or, is it a higher calling? Chuck Swindoll describes the biblical standard for neighbourly love in this message.
The story of Mary and Martha is not meant to exalt contemplation above action, but to indicate the proper way to serve Jesus. This is by prioritizing Him and His Word. It is about the duty to listen to Jesus and the Word of God.
What does it mean to be a good neighbour? Does it mean keeping your dogs from barking at night and lending your neighbour eggs when they run out? Or, is it a higher calling? Chuck Swindoll describes the biblical standard for neighbourly love in this message.
Constant activity is not necessarily a sign of spirituality. It may even be a distraction from enjoying God. He’s looking for our hearts to delight in Him before and during our service for Him.
No one will ever know how much energy the human race has wasted through worry. Today, we want to think along scriptural guidelines as we rediscover a life characterized by rest instead of rush, calm instead of confusion, peace instead of panic, tranquility instead of turmoil.
Let’s start living as good neighbours to the people God has placed in our paths. To help us begin doing that, let’s eavesdrop on a conversation held in the street back in the first century between a lawyer and the Lord.