Seven Woes and a Wail
Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he walks us through Jesus’ last public sermon that issues His strongest warning against putting on a religious show. Learn how to guard against hypocrisy!
Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he walks us through Jesus’ last public sermon that issues His strongest warning against putting on a religious show. Learn how to guard against hypocrisy!
The world says tells us all that matters is making a good impression. But God is not impressed with externals; you can’t fake it with Him. Recognizing the hypocrisy in your life and breaking with it is painful, but necessary.
Our actions should match our words. It’s only when we’re honest with ourselves and with God can we begin to overcome hypocrisy.
What does God want most from us?” the words I hope to hear are, “He wants us to love Him.” That’s the point. Morality is not the point.
In this sermon on Matthew 23:1-12, Pastor Chuck Swindoll teaches us about the deadly effects of hypocrisy and self-glory, so that we might walk humbly with the Lord, our God, and guard against religious fakes.