God’s Terrible, Swift Sword
Listen as Pastor Chuck Swindoll highlights the majestic King and righteous Judge of Revelation 14:14–20.
In his second letter to Timothy, Paul wrote that “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Christians from the apostles until now have, like Paul, regarded Scripture as central to the life and growth of the Church.
But even though we know its importance to our lives, too often our knowledge and application of Scripture remain minimal. Why? Perhaps sitting down to study the Bible might seem intimidating, or it could just be difficult to carve out some devotional time. Maybe you have questions about the Bible, but you aren’t sure where to look for answers.
Let these tools, articles, audio sermons, and resources help you incorporate the Scriptures more fully into your life.
Listen as Pastor Chuck Swindoll highlights the majestic King and righteous Judge of Revelation 14:14–20.
Discover the depth of God’s love and mercy as well as three truths about believers who trust in our faithful God!
The term “transmission” refers to the process of how the Scriptures were written down and copied. It’s a process connected to the history of writing and the ancient writing materials used in making the Bible.
From Revelation 13:11–18, Pastor Chuck Swindoll explains how the end-times demonic puppet of the antichrist counterfeits with appealing style, inspiring words, amazing acts, and charismatic leadership before he unleashes torrents of persecution, cruelty, and brutality.
Listen as Pastor Chuck Swindoll journeys into the future to a time when the masses openly worship the beast! Understand how deception takes root and how easily darkness can masquerade as light.
Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he explores a captivating account told in Revelation 12. Envision this epic battle between heaven and earth.
Listen to this intriguing sermon as Pastor Chuck Swindoll steps back to provide a panorama of earthly life from a heavenly view. Live for what’s eternally valuable!
Despite standing alone in a society that is spiritually blind and physically brutal, the witnesses are supernaturally empowered. Listen as Pastor Chuck Swindoll examines how meaningful it is to proclaim God’s truth in a world that often rejects it.
The composition, compilation, and themes of the Bible may come from different times and places, but they all point to the same truth of who we are and what our purpose is, culminating in the ultimate return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
As John processes the angel’s message, he finds it difficult to take in. Pastor Chuck Swindoll specifies important points for believers today: much of God’s truth tastes sweet and is pleasant, but some of His plans feel bitter to our taste and are hard to accept.