Moses’ Faith, Moses’ Choices...and Me
Listen in as Pastor Chuck Swindoll outlines the discernment, determination, and discipline it takes to follow Christ. Living for God is always worth the cost!
The Promised Land. The land of milk and honey. The Holy Land. This piece of real estate goes by many names. And although it’s barely bigger than the state of New Jersey, hardly a day goes by that something newsworthy doesn’t happen in this geographical area.
Jesus marked this land’s significance for all time by making it His earthly homeland. He wept over it, healed many of its inhabitants, mastered its nature, and made predictions about its future. Today, thousands of His followers trace His steps every year and see their lives change as a result.
How does it benefit us to become familiar with the layout and distinctions of Israel? You’d be surprised how your understanding of biblical events is sharpened when you consider the geography in which these key historical events occurred. These resources will help insert you into the scenes as you absorb the rich history of the land fashioned and chosen by God Himself.
Listen in as Pastor Chuck Swindoll outlines the discernment, determination, and discipline it takes to follow Christ. Living for God is always worth the cost!
Pastor Chuck Swindoll points out that Moses is the only man in all the Bible of whom it’s said God buried. At 120 years old, what incredible wonders Moses had seen since his start as a helpless infant left afloat in a basket!
Pastor Chuck Swindoll teaches from the moving account in Numbers 27:12–23 as Moses passes the baton of leadership to Joshua. Just because a good leader died didn’t mean God’s plan was finished.
God was ready to lead the Israelites into “a land flowing with milk and honey.” Yet, most of the Hebrew spies were intimidated—and soon, most all of the people felt the same. Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he traces the roots and the effects of anger that lead to disobedience in our lives.
From Numbers 10–14, Pastor Chuck Swindoll examines Moses’ plight as leader of a difficult group. Not even Moses’ own siblings, Miriam and Aaron, were faithful supporters.
Just like God strategically worked through His alone time with Moses, so He works today. Pastor Chuck Swindoll shares practical tips for meeting with God and discerning His will for your life!
Pastor Chuck Swindoll applies practical lessons from Exodus 18 for anyone in a leadership capacity. With biblical wisdom, take stock of the essentials God has called you to and determine to delegate the rest!
Exodus 16–17 records the story of an impatient people who longed for the familiarity of captivity. Pastor Chuck Swindoll explores the Israelites’ complaints in the wilderness. They couldn’t grasp God’s history of providing for them and lived solely by their feelings.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll points out that God deliberately led the Israelites into an impossible situation in Exodus 14—being surrounded with no way out. Yet, that was exactly how God would ultimately protect them and work a colossal miracle.
Pharaoh’s heart was so hard, not even the destruction of the Egyptian landscape shook his evil resolve. Plague after plague descended upon the land in Exodus 7–10. Pastor Chuck Swindoll studies the relevance of each plague and vividly portrays what it was like to live through the disasters.