God is Watching
Something happens when you know your father is watching and smiling. It changes your whole lifestyle. What if we lived like God our Father is watching and smiling? Would anything change?
These five-minute programs feature Chuck Swindoll's best stories. You'll hear his loudest laughs, his funniest experiences, and his famous catch phrases.
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Something happens when you know your father is watching and smiling. It changes your whole lifestyle. What if we lived like God our Father is watching and smiling? Would anything change?
Memorizing Scripture will help you gain control of your thought life—you’ll become disciplined, sharp, and confident.
Instead of trying to stop aging, which is impossible, why not change the way you look at aging? Aging well has more to do with attitude than anything else.
Have you ever wondered what our purpose is on earth? Ecclesiastes 11 says it’s to love God and enjoy Him forever—not just to serve or obey, but to find happiness.
Where there is great freedom there is also the potential to abuse it. God’s grace, once embraced, should keep us from returning to our old ways and abusing His gift to us.
You are a Christian. You work for someone who is your boss. Your responsibility is to be diligent to the task, being subject to your leader, showing all good faith.
Here are two statements from Chuck Swindoll on how to live this Christian life. Number one, it takes authenticity and integrity to win a hearing. Number two, it’s impossible to convince anyone of any truth you’re not living.
The pursuit of success can drag you down and lead you away from God’s Word and Spirit. Only by stepping away from life’s rat race will you begin to experience real success and satisfaction on God’s terms.
If you’re dealing with problems caused by your own foolishness, ask God what wise course of action you can take to turn your problems in the right direction. As you seek His wisdom for your decisions and responses to everyday life, the right attitudes and actions will become clearer.
Remembering your Creator means more than just thinking about Him now and then. It means keeping Him at the forefront of your mind so His will affects your attitudes and actions.