Abundant Living is Risky
Walt Disney dreamed in risks. He thought about the impossible. What about you? Are you willing to take a risk and live the abundant life?
Walt Disney dreamed in risks. He thought about the impossible. What about you? Are you willing to take a risk and live the abundant life?
Let’s consider Andrew Bonar’s example of perseverance, faith, and hopeful prayer. During this time when we need hope in the midst of chaos, remember Bonar’s words, “We can never hope for too much!”
The cross is where we gain our spiritual freedom. But we don’t honour the cross...we honour the One who hung on it. Christ is the object of our adoration.
Hard times call for two things: Friends and character. If you have gone through hard times in recent days, you know the value of both. Character rests on truth, reinforces a life, and resists the temptation to compromise. Those who’ve impacted our lives the most have been people of character.
Grace is a foreign concept to us because the world doesn’t operate based on grace. It trends towards criticism and judgment. Grace says, “I forgive you...I accept you as you are...I value you.”
Look beyond the tough stuff by remembering that God is working in and through all things—everything. He has a higher good in mind than just our temporal good.
Here are five key lessons kids learn through going through hard times with the sensitive guidance of their parents.
There are certain obstacles that, no matter how hard I try, I will never succeed in overcoming. And guess what? I'm confident that you will not be able to overcome these two obstacles either.
Pastors today constantly counsel believers struggling with depression, broken marriages, anxiety, anger, and weak self-control. They can't help but wonder, “Where's that abundant life Christ promised in John 10:10?”
Perhaps the waters of guilt have washed over you, and you feel like you are sinking in sorrow and regret. What could be preventing you from moving beyond your past and feeling forgiven?