Warning! Success Can Be Lethal
Material gain will never satisfy your spiritual hunger. Neither will power, prestige, or success. If you pursue these things you may gain the world for time, but you could be forfeiting blessings in eternity.
These five-minute programs feature Chuck Swindoll's best stories. You'll hear his loudest laughs, his funniest experiences, and his famous catch phrases.
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Material gain will never satisfy your spiritual hunger. Neither will power, prestige, or success. If you pursue these things you may gain the world for time, but you could be forfeiting blessings in eternity.
For King Solomon, life under the sun was a drab, dull, and depressing mess. He discovered if there’s nothing but nothing under the sun, then his only hope must be above it.
Sharing life is better than going it alone. Life is hard. Having a friend by your side can help you survive even the most troubling challenges.
A tender heart toward God is one of the hallmarks of true masculinity. Parents, your sons need your presence and availability to help shape them into men of God.
When God created the universe He created time as part of His perfect plan. And one day it will come to and end.
Intercessory prayer is not necessarily praying for relief for those who are suffering. It’s praying with purpose in light of a kingdom perspective.
The tongue is a messenger, delivering the dictates of the heart. Whether for good or for harm we have the choice to use our tongues to build others up or tear them down.
You may not be able to change your situation but you can change your response. The choice is yours. You can choose to wallow in self-pity, or you can respond to a disadvantage with courage.
One day God will judge all people for the injustices committed. But for now, God is patience with us and so the injustice on earth continues. Even though His judgment is delayed, it’s more certain than tomorrow’s sunrise.
Take a close look at yourself as an employee. Do you do your best at work, or are you a sluggard? Pursuing excellence is a rare commodity in the workplace, but as Christians it’s what we are called to do.