Changing Lives Is Jesus' Business
Pastor Chuck Swindoll showcases the evidence of changed lives from the book of John. While we can’t change other people or even ourselves, the transformation Jesus provides is undeniable.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll showcases the evidence of changed lives from the book of John. While we can’t change other people or even ourselves, the transformation Jesus provides is undeniable.
Whether we admit it or not, prejudice is something we all battle. Human beings are so innately prejudice we constantly create divisions where there are none. Thankfully, prejudice can be overcome with grace. Where grace exists, there is no barrier.
Whether or not we like to admit it, we all struggle with prejudice…judging people based on their outward appearance. But Chuck Swindoll calls us to move past our assumptions, to reach everyone with the Gospel.
When a royal official came to Jesus and pleaded with Him to heal his sick son, Jesus displayed His messianic authority by healing the boy from a distance. As a father, the royal official admitted his needs, loved his children, believed God’s Word, and walked by faith.
The tyranny of the urgent demands our time and forces us to put off the truly important. We need to stop and reconsider what's important. When we do, we'll discover that we're missing the essential ingredient we were made for: worship.
When a new year begins, it can feel like you’re headed into open seas—excitement mixed with uncertainty, adventure coupled with the unknown. How can we chart our course for this coming year?
Water in the Bible symbolizes God’s power, life, and renewal. It demonstrates His control, sustains creation, and cleanses spiritually. Discover more about its significance in Scripture!