Would You Have Chosen Paul?
If I were on the search committee I’d probably place Paul’s application in the “maybe later” file. But that’s where God is so different from us.
If I were on the search committee I’d probably place Paul’s application in the “maybe later” file. But that’s where God is so different from us.
In this letter, Paul modelled how Christians should respond to suffering. He highlighted God’s role as the perfect comforter. Paul also showed believers the connection between inadequacy in ministry and experiencing God’s strength.
Chuck Swindoll teaches us how to press on through the unexpected, to find meaning above the anguish, and to turn to our Lord who loves us, strengthens us, and sees us through.
For the rest of the missions trip, I thought about Jesus' ministry and the compassion He must have felt for the many people He encountered. People He taught, healed, and those who desperately cried out to Him.
Pain in our lives is an opportunity to depend further on Christ. In the process, our faith is strengthened.
Grace is a difficult concept, but when we do finally understand it, grace changes our lives and our relationships. Instead of trying to control and manipulate others, we begin to see things from the other person’s perspective.
Here are five key lessons kids learn through going through hard times with the sensitive guidance of their parents.
If you’re like me, sometimes it seems we barely keep steady on our spiritual tightrope…and then something—or someone—shakes the rope! Believe it or not, that someone shaking our rope is God. But why does He do that?
Because of our sin nature our default mode is self-sufficiency and independence from God. Rather than allowing His power—the power of Christ’s Holy Spirit who lives in every believer—to replace our weakness, we naturally try to handle things on our own.
Christ died for us to give us eternal life. How can we not show grace and compassion to others knowing this? Compassion is a direct result of accepting Christ into our hearts.