The Charming Joy of Grace Giving
Horizontal grace is our giving to God and to others. We don’t do it to reciprocate but simply because where there is grace there must be giving.
Horizontal grace is our giving to God and to others. We don’t do it to reciprocate but simply because where there is grace there must be giving.
Starting is always easier than finishing, which is why follow through is a reflection of character. Besides, God doesn't quit on us, so why should we give up when the going gets tough?
Our hearts need to line up on this: everything, including all we are and have, is God’s. The question we ask is not, “How much of my money should I give?” but, “How much of God’s money should I keep?”
Start today to have more fun with your family. Treasure the moments you spend with them. Take time to laugh. Your kids will love you for it!
If you want to have a great year, focus on these five things: contentment, trust in God, self-acceptance, forgiveness, and setting realistic goals.
I always thought I spent my 24 hours per day pretty well—I took time for work, play, friends and family, and had enough left for rest. So of course just as I was feeling proud of my time-keeping abilities, I got a new job.
A positive attitude makes sacrifice a pleasure. When the morale is high, the motivation is strong. When there is joy down inside, no challenge seems too great. The grease of gusto frees the gears of generosity.
If we lived in that first century and met someone like Jesus, it would take our breath away. As Christmas arrives, we think of the great blessing that is ours because of Jesus. This charming grace.
In this world of habitual lying, false stories, and deceitful people, there is nothing that will give you the security you need like God’s Word and the Son of God Himself. Stay committed to the Bible and by doing so, you learn more and more what’s true.
John 3:16 is quite possibly the most well known verse in the entire Bible. It's seen on bumper stickers, T-shirts…even at football games. But our familiarity with this passage can make us numb to the truth it offers. In this message, hear Chuck Swindoll explain God's amazing love.