Giving is Heart Work
Our hearts need to line up on this: everything, including all we are and have, is God’s. The question we ask is not, “How much of my money should I give?” but, “How much of God’s money should I keep?”
Our hearts need to line up on this: everything, including all we are and have, is God’s. The question we ask is not, “How much of my money should I give?” but, “How much of God’s money should I keep?”
A positive attitude makes sacrifice a pleasure. When the morale is high, the motivation is strong. When there is joy down inside, no challenge seems too great. The grease of gusto frees the gears of generosity.
John 3:16 is quite possibly the most well known verse in the entire Bible. It's seen on bumper stickers, T-shirts…even at football games. But our familiarity with this passage can make us numb to the truth it offers. In this message, hear Chuck Swindoll explain God's amazing love.
At Christmas, it’s easy to get distracted by the food and traditions and decorations and lose sight of the reason for our celebration. Chuck Swindoll encourages us to slow down and reflect on the wonder of the very first Christmas.
Boredom is the real danger we face when we approach the Christmas story. It’s so familiar, our minds just hit the highlights, because we think we’ve already plumbed the depths of every detail. But if we could approach the nativity as if we’ve never read it before, we’d discover something new and exciting—we’d discover the birth of Jesus is a gift too wonderful for words.
When was the last time you gave a gift to a loved one expecting a payment in return? Probably never because if you receive payment for a gift, it ceases to be a gift! Likewise, God’s gift of salvation has been freely given. We can’t earn it and He doesn’t expect payment for it. God wrapped His indescribable gift in eternity, equality, deity, and humility. Open it today!
Linking the two natures together in one personality, housed in one unique body, the God man Jesus was born. No less deity, no less humanity, in one person, in one body, forever.
Horizontal grace is our giving to God and to others. We don’t do it to reciprocate but simply because where there is grace there must be giving.
If we lived in that first century and met someone like Jesus, it would take our breath away. As Christmas arrives, we think of the great blessing that is ours because of Jesus. This charming grace.
When a baby comes into our lives as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, or sisters, we rejoice in the magnificence of God’s gift of life. But how much more did the family rejoice in wonderment when the child was Emmanuel, God with us? When God took on human flesh at the birth of Jesus, He brought a wonder to the world that had yet to be seen.