Tested, Approved
Chuck Swindoll says it's the church's job to be a training ground for disciples in the making, to help them become spiritually fit for service.
Time for a pop quiz. What is a disciple?
Answer? None of the above. Surprised? Don’t be! Never has a word been so overused yet so misunderstood. Although the topic of discipleship has been overworked, it is an under-applied concept. We all have probably heard a lot about discipleship. But if the truth were known, most of us still are not discipling others or being discipled ourselves. Most of us are still spectators when it comes to ministry. That is not only unwise and unhealthy, it is unbiblical. Let’s focus our attention on what the Lord said in His Great Commission in Matthew 28:16–20. Let’s learn what it means to live as a true disciple.
Chuck Swindoll says it's the church's job to be a training ground for disciples in the making, to help them become spiritually fit for service.
God’s Word is a mirror for the soul, reflecting what needs to change. As James warns, hearing it isn’t enough—real transformation comes when we act on it.
When circumstances like these arrive in our lives, we all need to have developed the habit of spending time with the Lord. I never could have imagined the journey God would take us on in answer to those prayers offered many years ago. He is full of surprises!
Jesus didn’t limit His Great Commission to a certain class of spectacular Christians who had “arrived.” His command and promise are for all Christians who are maturing and walking in pursuit of His calling.
Constant activity is not necessarily a sign of spirituality. It may even be a distraction from enjoying God. He’s looking for our hearts to delight in Him before and during our service for Him.
Legalism is always self-centred, whereas the disciplines are always God-centred. The heart of a legalist thinks, “Doing this will help me gain merit with God.” The heart of the follower of Christ thinks, “I want to do this because I love God.”
When you hear something nearly true, or partly true, it’s easy to accept it as true. That’s the thing about deception: sometimes it’s hard to spot, as small as uneasiness or something not sitting quite right.
Do you feel that you know Jesus Christ better now than you did when you started your spiritual journey? Or has your walk come to a standstill? Do you prioritize time with Jesus over other important things in your life?
Without warning, life sometimes prods us down a path that forks into two roads. Even though both choices appear to end with a cliff, we’re forced to choose.
IFLM’s collaboration with Ethiopian church leaders is flourishing as we focus on watering with the pure Word of Christ that God might cause an abundance of native growth. He did it right before our eyes while we were there!