Assurance of Salvation
Sincerity, effort, or focusing on your faith doesn’t grant true assurance. The real ground of God’s acceptance is the grace that He has showered on you through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.
So many people try to quench their spiritual thirst by physical means: family…friends…job…possessions. Yet none of these earthly things can meet their heavenly need, as Augustine famously prayed centuries ago: “Our heart is restless until it rests in You” (Confessions 1.1).
To many people who seek something more from life, God seems remote, unreachable, silent. Yet others have overcome the obstacles of man-made religion to find true meaning through a personal relationship with the eternal God. What does that mean? How can we begin a relationship with God? How can we lead others to truly know Him?
The answer is Jesus Christ, who freely gives living water to all who thirst.
Sincerity, effort, or focusing on your faith doesn’t grant true assurance. The real ground of God’s acceptance is the grace that He has showered on you through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.
The nature of grace means that God doesn’t owe it to us. Grace is simply defined as undeserved favour. As such it cannot be owed; it would cease to be grace.
Once we understand that sin and death have been companions since they entered the world through Adam’s disobedience, we can then begin to see the different destinations of those who believe versus those who do not.
This inductive study is designed to create a better understanding of heaven. For the next 30 days read the questions and allow them to spark deeper personal reflection and life change.
Using the Word of God for sinful ends is nothing new. Would it surprise you to learn that our enemy Satan has memorized Scripture and uses it to tempt us to sin?
This inductive study is designed to help you better understand God’s will. For the next 30 days read the questions and allow them to spark deeper personal reflection and life change.
What does God want most from us?” the words I hope to hear are, “He wants us to love Him.” That’s the point. Morality is not the point.
The command of our Lord is clear. Faith begins and continues with a simple plan—stalk Jesus. The plan is simple but the execution of it isn't. You and I both admit that following Jesus is layered with struggles and questions.
For some, devotions are like a placebo. People go through the motions but since there are no active ingredients, the effect is minimal.
When we feel fear we tend to look inward. But a self-centred focus can keep us from experiencing the peace God’s presence brings.