Our Ultimate Hooray
How can we be so certain that we will be resurrected? What is the source of our assurance? What gives us unshakable confidence in the face of death? The fact of Christ’s Resurrection.
So many people try to quench their spiritual thirst by physical means: family…friends…job…possessions. Yet none of these earthly things can meet their heavenly need, as Augustine famously prayed centuries ago: “Our heart is restless until it rests in You” (Confessions 1.1).
To many people who seek something more from life, God seems remote, unreachable, silent. Yet others have overcome the obstacles of man-made religion to find true meaning through a personal relationship with the eternal God. What does that mean? How can we begin a relationship with God? How can we lead others to truly know Him?
The answer is Jesus Christ, who freely gives living water to all who thirst.
How can we be so certain that we will be resurrected? What is the source of our assurance? What gives us unshakable confidence in the face of death? The fact of Christ’s Resurrection.
One of the most basic and helpful things in understanding the concept of God's will is to understand the Bible's distinction between what we call the moral will of God and the sovereign will of God.
In a confusing world filled with signs pointing us down different roads of philosophies and religions, can we be sure we've placed our feet on the right path?
Several principles are worth remembering. First, no one person has all the truth. Second, no single church owns exclusive rights to your mind. Third, no specific interpretation is correct just because a gifted teacher says so.
What do you see when you look in the mirror? How do you perceive yourself? Someone has said, “Perceptions are reality.” Someone else said, “Whatever you think you are—you are!”
Here is a bold statement: If you see yourself as a sinner, saved by grace, you will sin and your Christian life will be mediocre at best. You will be riddled with guilt and open to Satan’s attack along that line. In other words, what we believe about ourselves determines our behaviour. One of Satan’s most successful schemes is that of keeping Christians ignorant of their true identity in Christ.
How do you find a healthy church? This article will give you some ideas. But first—and most importantly—pray. Ask the Lord to lead you in your search.
From the virgin birth to the death and the Resurrection to the soon-coming of Christ, the plan of Almighty God is packed with innovation and creativity. It had never been done before. It will never be done again.
The story of Mary and Martha is not meant to exalt contemplation above action, but to indicate the proper way to serve Jesus. This is by prioritizing Him and His Word. It is about the duty to listen to Jesus and the Word of God.
Until your eyes are fixed on the Lord, you will not be able to endure those days that go from bad to worse. Fix your eyes on the Lord! Do it once. Do it daily. Do it 10,000 times 10,000 times. Do it constantly.
You owe it to God, you owe it to yourself, and you owe it to those you love the most to make solitude a deliberate choice in your life. It’ll take an adjustment to your schedule, but it will make a meaningful difference in your life.