A Truly Believable Inheritance
Jesus promised our eternal inheritance and the Bible records it. The royalties are vast beyond our wildest dreams. Believe it!
Jesus promised our eternal inheritance and the Bible records it. The royalties are vast beyond our wildest dreams. Believe it!
And that’s what you were about, Dad. Memories. When I was a lad, I loved to sneak up on you and watch what you were doing when you didn’t know I was there. That’s when you became my hero, I suppose.
Since heaven will be our ultimate destination, we need to spend less time complaining about our struggles and trials on earth, where we temporarily live, and more time learning as much as possible about heaven, where we will live forever.
Do you take time to reflect on the wonder of heaven? Do you think about eternity with God and the complete and total banishment of death and sin? Do thoughts of heaven influence your earthly days?
How can we be so certain that we will be resurrected? What is the source of our assurance? What gives us unshakable confidence in the face of death? The fact of Christ’s Resurrection.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll teaches from Revelation, illuminating how Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith. Even more, Jesus is the origin of creation and the end toward which and for which everything culminates!
At His return, Jesus repeats these truths, promising refreshing streams of life to His people and declaring, “It is done.” Pastor Chuck Swindoll explores the beautiful passage of Revelation 21:1–8, where a new heaven and a new earth are revealed.
Journey with Pastor Chuck Swindoll through gates of pearl and onto streets of gold as he reviews Revelation 21:9–22. Take a deep dive into this unparalleled place where God’s glory and attributes are clearly on display. Glimpse eternity as you listen!
Overviewing Revelation 21:21–22:5, Pastor Chuck Swindoll paints a portrait of the heavenly city—a place emanating the goodness of the Creator. Like the garden of Eden, it’s the intended home for all believers where they can fellowship with God unhindered!