It's Not a Cross we Honour
The cross is where we gain our spiritual freedom. But we don’t honour the cross...we honour the One who hung on it. Christ is the object of our adoration.
The cross is where we gain our spiritual freedom. But we don’t honour the cross...we honour the One who hung on it. Christ is the object of our adoration.
No family is perfect, including the family of God. But when God's family is functioning the way Chuck Swindoll describes in this video, others will want to join it!
There is nothing more important than knowing and living out God’s Word. That is why we believe what we do at Insight for Living Canada is crucial. And your partnership with us is essential.
You can’t play games with sin. Left unchecked it can ruin your whole life. It moves in and eats away at our moral fabric. And the longer it stays... the harder it is to get rid of it.
Receive Pastor Chuck Swindoll exhortation to live with grace under pressure. See how God can use even the darkest seasons to spur you on to maturity.
According to the dictionary the word “glory” is a synonym for splendour or magnificence. So how do we give God glory?
Never think that because something is invisible it is therefore unimportant or weak. Just think of gravity—where would we be without it? The Holy Spirit is the same. He energizes, motivates, comforts, and gives discernment. The Holy Spirit is our spiritual fuel.
First Peter 4:7–11 urges readers to have good judgment, to stay fervent in love, to be hospitable, and to serve others. Learn your part in God’s army as Pastor Chuck Swindoll delves into Peter’s marching orders for soldiers of the cross.
Do you feel that you know Jesus Christ better now than you did when you started your spiritual journey? Or has your walk come to a standstill? Do you prioritize time with Jesus over other important things in your life?
Something everyone agrees on is the key in life is change. And it’s not optional. Think about the last 10 years—you’re not the same person, are you? In fact, your life today compared to then probably doesn’t even resemble each other. That’s because of change.