When Solitude Drives Us Deeper
In Paul’s first letter to Timothy, he instructs his mentee to train himself to be godly. Pastor Chuck Swindoll examines how Christians should train, and what it looks like to grow in Christlikeness.
In Paul’s first letter to Timothy, he instructs his mentee to train himself to be godly. Pastor Chuck Swindoll examines how Christians should train, and what it looks like to grow in Christlikeness.
Christians since the first century have been tempted to trade grace for a life directed by strict law and high-minded requirement. The Apostle Paul addressed the Galatian church on this very issue, warning them against trading God’s Gospel for a different, human-made gospel. As we hear the word to the Galatians, keeping our message grounded in grace will help our lives exude grace.
Christ has set the believer free but more often than not, Christians are uptight, inflexible, inhibited, cautious, and living like slaves. Why? Legalism.
With the exception of the Gospels, Acts, and Revelation, the New Testament is epistle. This literary type is important to understand because we derive most of our biblical doctrine from the epistles and they decipher much of the Old Testament.