Beyond Today
Unless some of you who read these words stop and think and plan and start to execute essential goals, indifference, passivity, and procrastination will win another victory.
Unless some of you who read these words stop and think and plan and start to execute essential goals, indifference, passivity, and procrastination will win another victory.
Journeying through life it’s easy to get caught up with the scenery around us, measuring the milestones, and lose sight of the purpose of the journey.
Pondering who angels are and what their purpose is, I’ve realized we share an intimate connection with them.
I feel especially grateful for those unseen guardians who work overtime, who actually never slumber or sleep. That's right; I'm talking about the angels, God's special messengers.
Worship is more than meditative contemplation, the passive enjoyment of great music, or listening to a well-delivered sermon. Worship requires participation...a response...praise and service, celebration and action.
I believe one reason we fail to exercise grace in our relationships is because we don’t view people as they actually are. Instead, we look at them through the lens of how they hurt us, or our prejudices, or past experiences.
Want more joy in your day? Cultivate it! Joy springs from viewing the day’s events from eternity’s perspective. With this intentional focus, you’re sure to see today differently—with more joy and conviction that God is at work in your life.
During this holiday season, let's pledge not to let ingratitude become our creed or cynicism our stumbling block.
As we contemplate Someone so vast and deep it will expand our souls and minds more than a person who simply focuses on things of this world. It will drown our pride and humble us in its immensity.
Psalm 119 reveals three amazing promises that God fulfils in you when you feed yourself His Word. Verse 98 holds the first: “Your commands make me wiser than my enemies.”