Psalms: Inspired Anthology of Praise
Virtually every emotion that ever swept across the human soul is recorded in the Psalms. This book is the epitome, the very nucleus of worship…and yet it drips with the whole gamut of humanity.
Virtually every emotion that ever swept across the human soul is recorded in the Psalms. This book is the epitome, the very nucleus of worship…and yet it drips with the whole gamut of humanity.
Biblical poetry may at first seem repetitive, but it forces us to engage both heart and head. Read it slowly. Imagine the experience from different angles. Feel what the poet felt.
Choose some psalms to include in your personal reading time this summer. To help make them stick, don’t try to digest too great a meal in one sitting. Consider these songs as rich food to be savoured slowly.
True wisdom requires us to read God’s Word with the goal of practical application, not merely intellectual stimulation.
IFLM’s collaboration with Ethiopian church leaders is flourishing as we focus on watering with the pure Word of Christ that God might cause an abundance of native growth. He did it right before our eyes while we were there!
We’re prone to treat the Bible like a textbook and we’re cramming for a test. We know how to read, analyze, colour code, timeline, and graph the Scriptures, (all good!) but meditation is a neglected skill.
The first psalm extols the virtues of single-mindedness by emphasizing the danger of compromise. The godly life is placed in bold contrast to the ungodly…one leading to true happiness and the other to tragic destruction. Single-mindedness keeps the believer on the right track.
The secret of staying young is within you. It has nothing to do with where you live, how much money you make, who you’re married to, or how your kids turn out. It has everything to do with your attitude.
We live in a day marked by shallow concepts of God. We’ve lost our sense of reverence...God has become our “pal,” our understanding buddy. But God is holy. He’s our Creator. He is our sovereign and glorious Lord, worthy of all our praise and worship.
The culture in which we live, work, and play complains that God makes no sense, so how can He be trusted? They refuse to worship a God they can’t comprehend. My thought is the exact opposite.