Beyond the Broadcast: Straight Talk to the Timid and Reluctant
Following Christ ought to come with a warning label: Christianity is a battleground, not a playground.
Following Christ ought to come with a warning label: Christianity is a battleground, not a playground.
Paul ran to win (2 Timothy 4:7–8) and he wanted the same for Timothy. But how? Here are four ways to finish well, found in 2 Timothy 3:14–17.
People who live with conviction no longer react to life, or float along taking life as it comes. These people initiate action because they are motivated by their beliefs.
Stiffen your resolve! Paul gave us five steps to do just that. All that’s left is for you to answer one question—a question only you can answer. Are you willing to give God your very best?
“Thoughts disentangle themselves...over the lips and through the fingertips.” I learned that saying over 30 years ago, and just about every time I put it to the test, it works!
Paul’s relationship with Timothy goes back to Paul’s earliest days as a missionary. Paul and Barnabas visited Timothy’s hometown of Lystra on Paul’s first journey around AD 47.
Questions about God and His Word are natural. When questions come, we shouldn’t be afraid to ask them in honest humility.
When we see the value and potential in others and then convey to them what we see, we are making a positive impact. Here are eight ways we can learn to affirm others and make a positive impact in their lives.
Every day we parents leave footprints for our family to follow. But parenting is not a game—a future generation of faith rests on us. There’s no doubt we are leaving tracks and our kids follow in our footsteps…at least for a while.
We wish to foster the legacy Paul left to Timothy, but above all, we strive to fulfil the Great Commission that Jesus issued to His disciples.