Moving from Belief to Action
Because we often underestimate the power of prayer we rush ahead of God without waiting on Him to do His work in His time. When we pray we need to take our hands off and trust God.
Because we often underestimate the power of prayer we rush ahead of God without waiting on Him to do His work in His time. When we pray we need to take our hands off and trust God.
Listen in as Pastor Chuck Swindoll explains from Revelation 20:1–10 how an upside-down world, sick with sin, is turned right-side up. Like the garden of Eden before the fall, the world temporarily becomes tranquil and harmonious.
Whether it’s at home, work, or church, God calls us to be servant leaders who reflect humility and conviction. By drawing on the power of the Holy Spirit, we can be models of inspiration to others.
Jesus said “love one another,” and the word He used was “agape.” Agape is the highest form of love. It’s deliberate refusal to respond negatively. It’s a conquest of the will.
Authentic love is unconditional and unselfish. It can change lives.
Acceptance means you don’t make people jump through hoops—you take them as they are.