Resource Library
How God Deals with Defiance
Pastor Chuck Swindoll opens the Scriptures and follows Solomon’s tragic personal downfall in 1 Kings 11. Follow the evidence to find compromise, extravagance, idolatry, and a lack of accountability.
John 8 tells the story of a woman caught in adultery. The Pharisees brought her to Jesus in order to trap Him. If Jesus said, “punish her” then His compassion for people would be questioned. If He said, “release her” then He’d be accused of not supporting the Law of Moses. How did He respond?
Abigail: Wise and Resourceful Wife
Abigail from the Old Testament had impressive character. Her example serves as inspiration for how individuals can navigate difficult situations with wisdom, humility, and resourcefulness.
Fear and Truth
The peace Jesus promises does not come from the power of positive thinking but from trusting Him.
When the Heart Is Turned Away
Despite having fortune, fame, power, and pleasure in abundance, King Solomon’s life took a damaging turn. From 1 Kings 11:1–9, Pastor Chuck Swindoll examines how the ruler’s heart was drawn away from the goodness of God.
Basic Bible Ignorance
The Pharisees wanted to stone Jesus because He claimed equality with God and they rejected His claim. We do the same thing; we either accept or reject Christ. There is no middle ground.