Growing Up Swindoll
Chuck Swindoll did not discover from his parents who he is. Knowing who you are as a child, through your parent’s eyes, gives you security and confidence.
Chuck Swindoll did not discover from his parents who he is. Knowing who you are as a child, through your parent’s eyes, gives you security and confidence.
History is replete with the power of one; with those who owned the rare commodity of moral courage—those daring individuals who were “willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, and the wrath of their society.” Esther was one of those.
When the bottom drops out from under you, sound theology gives you confidence and strength. Sound theology comes from understanding God’s Word.
Your attitude is the most important thing about you. More than your past, your success, your fame, your position, your income, your mate, or your reputation, attitude is above all of that. How much time do you waste losing your temper on things you can’t change?
What will people remember about you after you’ve left this earth? Your joy? Your laugh? Chuck Swindoll suggests that the time to start working on your legacy is now!
Insight for Living Canada exists to plant the seed of God’s Word and bring springtime-like transformation to Canadians. We’ve been doing it for over 35 years and want to keep doing it. But we need your support.
Nehemiah was known and respected for his diligence as a contractor and builder, while his contemporary, Ezra was a dedicated scribe and priest.
Do you have an unpleasant outlook on life? If so, are you aware it’s defiling the air around you? If you’re living like this, you’re hard to live with. It’s never too late to change your ways—to be sweet instead of sour.
The quality that distinctively sets apart believers as followers of Jesus is not a pithy bumper sticker or a fish emblem dangling from a necklace or a gilded dove pinned on the lapel. These are only symbols of our faith. The true mark of a Christian is love.
Remember the first time you lived alone? What did you draw on in your mind first thing in the morning? It was probably some instruction or encouragement you remembered from your parents. You learn your first lessons from your family—they see through the fog.